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Endpoint: Kangaroo testimonies

Life on land

“The first thing you know when a Kangaroo harvester pulls up beside your house is the sound of the rifle, a high powered, high calibre rifle cracks through the atmosphere like you would not believe”.

Peter Hylands, Andrea Hylands

September 5, 2022

Kangaroos that we know and love, we know them personally, have been body shot and neck shot, then the Kangaroo ‘harvester’ pulls their head up and cuts their throat or beats them with an axe or beats them with a metal bar.

A living hell

In this Kangaroo testimony Diane tells her story. It is a harrowing story from regional New South Wales and it is beyond any understanding that these events can occur at all. 

The lie

“What I can tell you is that the Kangaroo has become a corrupting process for all those trying to harm the animal. From numbers to words, in lecture theatres, newspapers, radio and TV, in parliaments and from the mouths of politicians and their public servants. So as they all spin, they are destroying an animal that has lived on the Australian Continent for millions of years.  
And the biggest lie of all, those promoting and enabling the mechanised killing, cruelty and exploitation, like to pretend they have helped this animal, and that there are now many more of them than there ever were, and all this in the land that these killers, themselves, have trashed”. Peter Hylands

Rescued joey Kangaroo

Lexicon: The myth of plagues and pests and the Kangaroo ‘weasel’ words

Be suspicious if you see these words used in material about Kangaroos: Overabundance, booming, abundance, exploding, erupting, eruptions, irruption, waste, compost (yes compost), pest, plagues, over-grazing, all starving, kinder to kill them, dangerous, control, manage, management, controlling, harvest, harvesting, destroying infrastructure, dressed-in-the-field, humane (perhaps the weaseliest word of all), sustainable, hygienic, nibbling, grazing pressure, it is all about sustainability, conservation culls, ecological grazing (when they shoot the Kangaroos and put cattle in these places), biodiversity conservation, chomping, disease, diseased, descending, invading. All of it carefully created especially for you.

"Upping the ante, here is a term that cropped up recently in an ‘academic’ paper on Kangaroos – Hyperabundant, overabundant was clearly not enough".

August 2021 - The war on Australia’s natural world is set to continue until the very end.

And lots of money is being spent to accelerate the killing and exploitation. Probably as counter to the fallout from the NSW Kangaroo inquiry we get even more nonsense and propaganda from other states. And we even get some more weasel words.  

From Tasmania - we seek to get the balance right in supporting farmers, foresters and land managers in managing the impact of browsing wildlife on agricultural and forestry sectors while ensuring sustainability of wildlife species is maintained.

And from South Australia - Kangaroo over-abundance and over-grazing presents a threat to the condition and resilience of South Australia’s landscapes, to Aboriginal cultural values, to the sustainability of the livestock grazing industry, and to conservation values.