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Vive les Kangourous

Life on land

“Once you come to know them you can never leave them to their plight. What we know is that Kangaroos are Australia, life, Australia without them, would be unthinkable”.

August 21, 2022

In this story Laetitia describes her horror when she discovered how Kangaroos and other Australian wildlife are treated.

Le grand massacre des Kangourous en Australie

So let’s think about France for a moment. Yes, people in France care about Kangaroos. Brigette Bardot is one of those people. A few months ago we put together a short film about Kangaroos and the terrible treatment of the people who care about them for Brigette’s team in France. A growing number, now large, of European politicians are also very concerned about what is being done to Kangaroos. Here is an extract of Brigette’s correspondence with the AWPC.

“I am with you with all my heart in your fight against the massacre of Kangaroos. The destruction of these totally inoffensive animals is revolting and unjust. It is a matter of urgency that the Australian authorities become conscious of their elementary duty to prohibit this carnage and deplorable trade. Vive les Kangourous”.  Brigette Bardot

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Sustainable use

“The myth of sustainable use of wildlife, is that one day we will awaken to find that our wildlife heritage has been stolen from us by those who know the price of every creature, but the value of none” John A Hoyt, President of Humane Society International

Leunig on Kangaroos

Creative cowboy films, Kangaroos and France

This is our seventy-first story about Kangaroos from around Australia. Thirty-one of these stories contain filmed Kangaroo testimonies. We have written and recorded these stories because what is being done in Australia goes far beyond Kangaroos themselves.

It is the injustice and extreme cruelty, both to Australia’s animal life and to the people who care about these animals, it is the dishonesty, the lack of democratic process and the bullying and the abuse that accompany the killing and cruelty that make Kangaroos so compelling.

Kangaroos are also very beautiful animals and a joy to be with. Once you come to know them you can never leave them to their plight. What we know is that Kangaroos are Australia, life, Australia without them, would be unthinkable.

Creative cowboy films of course, and since the very beginning, has close ties with France. Our company would not exist if it was not for a friendship in Paris in the 1960s that set the scene for the founding of Creative cowboy films. There are awards too, Andrea’s Grand prix de la Ville de Vallauris and the best contemporary art film in Montpellier France 2010 and much more.