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Victoria's Ramsar Sites

Life in oceans, rivers and seas

“2019: A catastrophic convergence, climate change and the significant decline of birdlife and the mass slaughter of Australia’s precious waterbirds, gathered in now ever greater concentrations”.

Peter Hylands, Andrea Hylands

August 25, 2022

Australia’s Duck Man, Laurie Levy, describes the situation regarding waterbirds in Australia and in the Australian State of Victoria.

These are Australia’s Ramsar Wetlands

The drought and heat are severe, we stagger in the shimmering light.

Long journeys and long on the wing, there are fewer and fewer places for waterbirds to go to rest, to breed and to feed. So the birds concentrate in those places that can give them shelter from the high temperatures and long droughts.

These shrinking and internationally protected Ramsar Wetlands are the slaughter ground of vast numbers of waterbirds as the hunting season begins in Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory.

Ducks in New South Wales

In New South Wales the killing on private land began several weeks ago and during the breeding season.